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Sedation Dentistry and Fear of Visiting the Dentist

Is fear of going to see the dentist preventing you from getting your teeth checked out, even if you know you need to have some work done?

One of the biggest concerns we hear from patients is that you are aware of everything that is happening going on – the noise of the drill, the pressure on teeth and gums and even the sight of the dental instruments we use. This can be really distressing for some patients, causing anxiety and stress.

At Northmed Dental, we understand your concerns with having work done on your teeth,which can be uncomfortable and sometimes make you feel worried. We are here for you to help you keep a healthy smile for life, so we offer sedation dentistry, which eases the stress of a dental visit.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is where we give you a mild sedative to reduce fear and pain during treatment. You’ll still be awake and able to communicate, but feel totally relaxed. It’s administered through an IV in the back of your hand.


Our patients have let us know that this procedure has many benefits for them, allowing us to work on their teeth and give them a strong and healthy smile. Some of the benefits reported include:


The main goal of sedation dentistry is to make the patient feel relaxed. It helps to avoid the sights, sounds and even the smells of the a dental treatment. This also has a benefit to the dentist in that they can work more efficiently.

Fear of Needles

The fear of needles is a very common issue – by using sedatives, you won’t even notice of needles or injections.

Fear of the Noise of a Dental Drill

Even during the sound of dental drilling, you’ll still feel completely relaxed.

The Gag Reflex

A gag reflex occurs in the back of your mouth and is triggered when your body wants to protect itself from swallowing something foreign. During a visit to the dentist this can be triggered while we are working in your mouth. This is a natural response, but it can cause problems for both you and the dentist; sedation dentistry can help with this issue.


Rather than coming in for multiple visits, depending on the type of work needed, you’ll probably be able to get all of dental treatment done in a single appointment using sedation.

Before Your Visit to the Dentist

If you are having sedation during your visit, you should arrange to have someone drive you home afterwards as the effects of sedation may last for up to 24 hours. Make sure you have no plans to drive a car!

Sedation dentistry may not be suitable for all patients, which is why during your initial consultation we will determine if it’s right for you.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding sedation dentistry, our experienced dental team at Northmed Dental will be happy to help. For any questions or to book an appointment, please ring one of our dental clinics near Auckland and speak with one of our friendly staff.